Respect Legal's values

How do your lawyer’s values play a part in your experience of separation or divorce?

How do your lawyer’s values play a part in your experience of separation or divorce?

Finding the right lawyer is like finding the right life partner.  You want to make sure that you are in safe hands.  That your values are aligned, and that you are working with someone who will prioritise your family’s welfare over billable hours. 

Our founder and chief, Danielle Zetzer, started Respect Family Law to disrupt the system of the traditional law firm,  where the pressure to meet budgets felt like a conflict in her goal of keeping families out of court, sparing them the immeasurable stressors both financial and emotional, that come with that territory, wherever she could.

She wanted to do the law in a way that was truly aligned with her values.  And as such, she based her law firm and her role within it upon her 3 main core values.

Being of Service. Compassion. Justice.

So why are our values important and how will they impact your experience of separation or divorce?

VALUE 1 – Being of Service.  The art of giving without expectation of return. Knowing your role in life is to give and assist where you can.  Knowing that your skillset can impact or change the world for the better, and to offer it anyway with no assumption of reward.  We understand that as lawyers we are in a position to positively impact your experience of separation or divorce.  Keeping people out of court is not the road that makes lawyers richer or that helps us meet our budgets. But it is the road that helps families and children avoid a world of conflict, anxiety and financial burden. 

VALUE 2 – Compassion. Kindness. Understanding. So much of what the world needs. Your lawyer’s compassion for your situation should be what drives them to be of service.  To be able to be the person who can help you make it through this difficult chapter feeling supported, cared for, and like you have the right team of professionals around you.  Compassion for your former partner, even though sometimes hard to access, can work wonders in more positive communication and negotiations, and can also be an incredible weapon in disarming conflict.

VALUE 3 –  Justice.  Fighting for what is right.  This should be at the heart of every lawyer’s core values.  This strikes a particularly strong chord at Respect Family Law, especially when dealing with family violence cases where the fight sometimes has to escalate to the court.

Child safety and the safety of any person experiencing family violence ties all 3 of our core values together. We can be of service to help intervene and play our part in keeping families safe through the legal system and can care for our clients with compassion as we go on that journey by your side.

As lawyers, we have a duty of care to our clients, but we also believe that we can make a positive social impact.  We can keep people out of court, we can help those fighting for their family’s safety, and we can act with compassion and kindness to change your experience of separation and divorce for the better.

Still have questions – contact the team at Respect legal to find out more

About Respect Legal

Respect Legal is here to disrupt traditional ways of practicing family law through our respectful approach to dispute resolution. We focus on outcomes that strengthen families, rather than tear them apart.

Our team of highly skilled lawyers are leaders in their field who provide expert advice and guidance through complex legal processes so you can achieve an outcome that works best for you and your family.

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